BEST KEPT SECRET: Simple & Efficient Marketing Strategies for Manufacturers that Deliver Results

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Camryn Tunney
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Do you find it challenging for your company to capture rankings on Google Search Results?

Are you tired of Being the Best Kept Secret?

Do you find creating relevant content and engaging marketing messages daunting and frustrating?

Do you want to separate yourself from the competition and grow your business beyond word of mouth referrals?

Join us for a fun webinar program that reduces the overwhelm and breaks down Digital Marketing into simple steps to help you hit your goals:

  • All attendees receive a FREE website audit to explore opportunities for improvement
  • Identifying the core topics that your ideal customers are struggling to overcome and how to show them the path to success
  • Discover your Ridiculously Important Keywords (RIKs) that your ideal customers are searching
  • Explore efficiency hacks to create valuable information such as checklists and resource guides to connect with new prospects
  • Learn about an exciting IMEC Case Study and Success Story with Pedoc Power Solutions of Mt. Prospect, IL


Nicole Donnelly

Founder & President of Donnelly Marketing Group

Nicole provides Fractional Marketing support for small B2B businesses. She is a Certified HubSpot Partner, and Certified Google Ads specialist who has helped her clients achieve 20+% increases in year over year profit using the Inbound marketing methodology. Nicole brings over 15 years experience as an account manager leading projects for Fortune 100 companies and SMB’s.

Curt Anderson


Curt Anderson founded an eCommerce company in 1995 that was ranked 3X on the Internet Retailer Magazine Top 1000 eCommerce Companies. Since selling that company, Curt has served as an eCommerce consultant targeting manufacturers including spending 4 years at the New York Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Curt is the author of “Stop Being the Best Kept Secret” and founder of, an eCommerce resource guide for manufacturers.

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