SIMPLIFY YOUR MANUFACTURING: Automation You Can Implement Now

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Camryn Tunney
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Why you might be reluctant, and why you should automate anyway.

Find out how to maximize ROI with collaborative robots (cobots). With the webinar, you will find the right strategy for the automation of your enterprise. Your place of business can be made safer, more productive, and more efficient by implementing cobots.


• Realistic possibilities. What can you accomplish with vision and robotics. How it will benefit your company.
• How to get it done. Do you manage your automation project in-house? Use FPE Automation’s controls division engineers, or a third-party systems integrator?
• When you’re ready. How IMEC and FPE Automaton fit in to the game plan. How we can help.


Sandia Harrison

Director of Marketing & I.T., FPE Automation, Inc.

Sandia is an industrial automation veteran with more than 20 years’ experience in robotics, AI, and industrial solutions that range from individual components to turnkey solutions like robot cells. Her busy schedule as Director of Marketing and I.T. is varied. On any given day, Sandia might be creating original content for the company’s vLOG & BLOG, coding, or overseeing FPE Automation’s thriving customer training programs. FPE Automation is an award-winning, Illinois-based solutions provider celebrating their 60th year in business in 2023. She holds a Masters Degree in Managerial Leadership (MSML), and is a member of the Association for High Technology Distribution (AHTD) Women in Automation committee

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