GROW SALES ONLINE: LinkedIn Sales Strategies for Manufacturers

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Camryn Tunney
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Session Handout: GROW SALES ONLINE: LinkedIn Sales Strategies for Manufacturers

Are you taking full advantage of the tremendous potential that LinkedIn has to offer you and your business?

Join us for a fun-filled & action-packed LinkedIn training workshop to help capture AMAZING LEAD GENERATION OPPORTUNITIES waiting for you on LinkedIn. 

Attendees will learn to:

• Create an inviting LinkedIn Profile

• Showcase your experience & expertise

• Connect and engage with your target market and ideal buyers

• Explore delivering valuable & impactful content

• Develop and nurture vibrant business relationships


Curt Anderson


Curt Anderson founded an eCommerce company in 1995 that was ranked 3X on the Internet Retailer Magazine Top 1000 eCommerce Companies. Since selling that company, Curt has served as an eCommerce consultant targeting manufacturers including spending 4 years at the New York Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Curt is the author of “Stop Being the Best Kept Secret” and founder of, an eCommerce resource guide for manufacturers.

Wesleyne Whittaker

Transformed Sales

With 16 years in sales and leadership, Wesleyne Greer understands the challenges of being at the top of her game. Having managed multi-million dollar teams, Wesleyne marries her love for sales and her passion for coaching at Transformed Sales. She has a strong track record for driving revenue through sales, marketing, and ongoing customer support. This has earned her numerous accolades, including multiple “sales team of the year” and “sales excellence” awards.

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