LEAN INTO PRODUCTIVTY: Daily Management and Dashboards

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Camryn Tunney

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Suppose you want to plan a trip…You’ll need a plan and a road map. In order to get where you want to go, you must determine where, why, and how you intend to get there and track your progress as you go.  Transforming your manufacturing organization requires the same type of thinking moving from a traditional approach to a proven lean / continuous approach. Dashboards and Daily Management ensure that your team and you reach your goals:  


  • Integrated approach aligning C-level goals and objectives to shop floor execution  
  • Roadmap of lean systems and tools for effective shop floor management  
  • A closed loop process focused on problem solving, visual controls, and sustained improvement  
  •  A shop floor culture of continuous improvement  


Mark Loscudo

Technical Specialist | IMEC

Mark have worked in a variety of industries including automotive, construction, printing, and consumer goods. This diversity of experience granted him a unique perspective and the ability to help a wide range of manufactures improve their operations and meet their strategic objectives. 

Leading both large and small organizations, understanding both the horizontal and vertical dynamics of organizations, and applying lean principles, systems, and tools have equipped Mark with the knowledge and skills to successfully guide organizations in their lean transformation. 

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