Electricity costs may surprise you… Especially around the holidays!
Have you ever really thought about all those gadgets you leave on all the time (even if they are in sleep mode), all those little red lights on power cords, all the time displays on your appliances? All of these seemingly innocuous little lights are stealing your electricity. A little bit here and there doesn’t seem like very much, but when you add it all up it can really hit your bottom line.
One of the challenges to addressing this waste is being addressed by a simple, easy to use energy calculator: https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/estimating-appliance-and-home-electronic-energy-use
It’s directed primarily toward a residence; however, it can apply equally to a business. It’s a fun, easy to use tool that will give you some idea as to how much energy you are wasting and some strategies for getting the waste under control.