Written by Ed Huey, IMEC Technical SpecialistÂ
IMEC “Mock Inspection” Preps Companies for OSHA Visit.
Knock, Knock.
No this isn’t a knock knock joke; it is IMEC’s mock OSHA inspection team. A group of us recently proposed an innovative way to help a Chicago Area company assess the readiness of its facility to respond in the event of an OSHA inspection.
The approach was to conduct a wall-to-wall review of the company’s safety procedures, and pinpoint opportunities to prepare the client’s team to respond to potential problems. As we know, the best Safety and Health Programs involve every level of the organization, instilling a safety culture that reduces accidents for workers while improving the bottom line for the entire company.
With only a select few management team members knowing we were coming, a group of us “arrived” in the front lobby, introduced ourselves and explained our purpose for being there. After some initial “checking” we were allowed in and proceeded to conduct a 3 day comprehensive audit. It not only resulted in a clear understanding of their strengths and weakness in safety, but also gave us an opportunity for real-time training on how to best handle an unannounced OSHA audit.
Now, this approach may not be right for every company. IMEC can work with you to structure a comprehensive safety plan that fits your unique situation, including a focus on areas such as:
• OSHA Record keeping, including the 300 log
• Job Hazard Assessments
• Safety & Health Written Programs including hazard communication, lockout/tagout, personal protective equipment, emergency action plans
• Training records compliance including employee orientation, powered industrial trucks, lockout/tagout and other site specific
• Facility Considerations including means of egress, amputations, chemical storage, adherence to policies in written programs such as employee use of personal protective equipment.
Our team includes Hazardous Materials Technicians, OSHA authorized Outreach Training Providers, and safety managers with years of experience.
Of course, if you want to bring in the mock inspectors, let me know.