Successes in Operations

E3 review reveals area where American Standard Circuits could optimize.


American Standard Circuits


West Chicago, Illinois

Number of Employees




  • Operations
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“This review highlighted areas where we could get more cost effective and environmentally friendly. The various activities were presented to the ASC team so that we were easily able to prioritize the activities. A lot of the actions were relatively inexpensive to implement.”
Anaya Vardya
CEO - American Standard Circuits, Inc.


ASC’s overall goals were to reduce process waste and to determine cost-saving and efficiency opportunities for their energy-intensive equipment. ASC utilized Illinois Sustainable Technology Center’s (ISTC) technical assistance staff to facilitate a team based E3 (Economy, Energy, and Environment) assessment – three key areas in which ASC’s executive team was looking to drive efficiencies.

IMEC Solution

The Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) provided economic and process efficiency advice. The E3 assessment team reviewed the entire facility with particular emphasis on the drilling center and plating/water treatment area. ASC showed its commitment to the E3 process by involving top management, engineers, and floor supervisors in assisting the E3 team. Following the assessment, the team reviewed its recommendations with ASC decision-makers and produced a final list of specific action areas in each of the three areas of focus.

  • Replaced old T12 fluorescent fixtures and metal halide lighting with LED lighting
  • Replaced standard exit signs with LED signs, and installing occupancy sensors
  • Newer, high-efficiency chiller
  • Replaced open tube air guns with OSHA-compliant, energy-efficient safety air guns
  • Installed automated flow controls on a little-used scrubbing station, eliminating continuous flow of rinse water when not in use