IMEC Colleague Mark Baer and I recently attended a three day training session in Kokomo, Indiana focused on Internal Auditing of ISO 50001, the Energy Management System standard. The basic principles for auditing ISO 50001 are the same as for the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, and the ISO 50001 standard is structured similarly to ISO 9001. The key difference for ISO 50001 is the requirement to measure and audit energy performance.
Energy savings and cost reductions are on the minds of many companies as they look to save money and the environment. These companies are reaching out to third parties for support in implementing energy saving solutions but ISO 50001 is not a tool for simply reducing energy costs.  A key aspect of ISO 50001 is better management of energy consumption.
Why would a company want to implement ISO 50001 and pursue registration? Implementing an Energy Management System helps ensure energy savings are sustained and energy performance continues to improve. ISO 50001 is a new standard that defines how an organization can establish an energy management plan and integrate it with their business model. By implementing ISO 50001, an organization can also market themselves as a conscientious energy consumer.  ISO 50001 is an Energy Management System (EnMS) designed to include the activities of people.  It’s integrated with organizational policies and practices already in place—so organizations do not have to reinvent themselves around energy management. However, it is not a pre-requisite to have an ISO Quality Management System or Environmental Management System in place prior to implementing ISO 50001.
So where does IMEC fit in this picture? Several IMEC specialists and I have all been involved in various portions of training associated with ISO 50001. Through the knowledge that we have obtained, IMEC is on the forefront in offering companies training and implementation assistance for ISO 50001. In early 2012, we are planning on organizing some general sessions open to interested companies to give an overview of ISO 50001 and look at opportunities to work with companies to implement ISO 50001 and provide ISO 50001 Internal Auditor Training.