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MASTERING OSHA COMPLIANCE: A Path to Safety Excellence

March 25

11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Ensuring compliance with OSHA regulations requires a strategic and well-organized approach to workplace safety. This webinar will cover the key elements of an effective safety program, with a focus on the common hazards that OSHA inspectors frequently identify during workplace inspections. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of these regulations and the necessary controls to ensure ongoing compliance with OSHA standards. Additionally, the session will provide insights into developing proactive hazard prevention strategies and best practices for achieving long-term workplace safety success.


Brian Bothast

Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, OSHA

Brian Bothast, a Safety and Occupational Health Specialist with OSHA in Peoria, IL. He has worked for Caterpillar in the Environmental, Health, and Safety Department and as an Industrial Hygienist with OSHA. Brian is a 1988 graduate of Illinois State University with a B.S. in Environmental Health.

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